Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Polticial Ad Doesn't Say Much Or Does It?

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
Bob Brown's first ad for his reelection bid showed up in Saturday's paper. It happened to be placed right on top of a political ad for Jerry Lemmond. Lemmond's ad featured an American flag and an impressive list of things he was supporting as a commissioner. By the way, one item on the list was the first was renovations at Lee County High School (See earlier post). Then there was a quote from the candidate.

Democrat commissioner candidate Richard Hayes has been running a series of ads for a couple of weeks. His ads have very broad statements of vision and philosophy. In addition to their layout, they are a striking difference from any of the others so far.

On the other hand, Bob Brown's ads are about a simple as an ad can get. It is a just a reminder to re-elect him. It may be good political strategy because Brown is fair from a novice, but usually a chairman running for re-election has a list of accomplishments or a platform of goals. But it brought back to mind his statement at the joint meeting with the Board of Education, "Just trust us." Now he saying "Just reelect me."

In fairness, Bob Brown is a nice, simple spoken man and that can be a rare asset among politicians. So perhaps his ad just reflects his personality. And then, besides, no one has ever accused Bob Brown of being a visionary leader.

Editor's Note: Bob Brown posted a new ad for Wednesday's paper featuring his grand children. Nice looking kids.

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