Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Incumbents Get Friends of LCHS Endorsement

The four incumbents on the Board of Education have been endorsed by the Friends of Lee County according to its chair Kathy Briggs. “The consensus was that John Bonardi, who is running a write-in campaign, Lynn Smith, Bill Tatum, and Shawn Willliams are the only candidates that have demonstrated a firm commitment to the Hite Plan for Lee Senior High School, the second of two concept architectural studies done to develop a renovation plan for the campus. Moreover, all the incumbents are up to speed on the many issues that have been raised about the renovations.”

“We are also aware that John Bonardi and Bill Tatum have professional backgrounds in construction that could be helpful in approaching the county's many capital building needs in the years ahead,” Briggs noted. “We will run newspaper advertising and use our own internal communications process to make sure that voters know where we stand”, she said.

According to Briggs, the organization was not fully satisfied with its original choices. “We were pleased that John Bonardi decided to enter the race because he has been such as strong advocate for the renovations.”

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