Friday, April 25, 2008

Take 5 On Saturday To Read the Herald

Special Heads UP
This Saturday's edition of the Herald is one you will not want to miss. The regular Saturday feature "Take 5" features Commissioner John Quiggle answering questions about his observations as a commissioner. What will make his comments particularly interesting is that he was placed on the board by a democratic majority over Republican choice Harry Undy so he has no partisan ax to grind. It may offer some clues as to why he chose not to seek re-election. Not knowing what his answers may be, it may be a bust or it could bust things wide open. Pickup a copy of the Hearld Saturday and spend 5 minutes reading it. (Get a free trial edition)

Speaking of Harry Undy, who is running in District 2 against Amy Dalrymple, his answers to questions printed in the Thursday Hearld show all the characteristics of a former Marine who won three purple hearts. Consider this excerpt compared to most of the answers you have read by other candidates. By the way, when you meet Harry, his friendly, affable style would never lead you to see the tough cut-to-the-chase approach he takes to things once his mind is made up.

4. Assess the performance of the current Board of Commis­sioners.
DALRYMPLE: I respect each commissioner and their willing­ness to serve Lee County’s citizens. Attending meetings over the last few months, I have seen the commissioners do some impressive, positive things for the county. How­ever, I have also witnessed a reluctance to act in the best interest of our citizens on certain issues. There is a disconnect between the current board’s actions and what the county needs. This creates an environment of mistrust and the citizens of Lee County deserve better.
UNDY: The Board of Commis­sioners does not enjoy the full confidence of the citizens of Lee County. The leadership of the board needs to understand that to be trusted, one must first be trustworthy.

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