Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Opening Salvo Fired on Sanford Business Tax

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPProblems for Pottery Festival Noted

Just as promised in the Sanford Herald this morning (Click here to read article) , City Councilman Charles Taylor raised the issue of repeal of the city's controversial business privilege tax at the City's Law and Tax Committee this afternoon. Taylor was elected last election primarily on a platform of repealing the business privilege tax.

Taylor and councilman Mike Stone, one of only two council members to originally vote against the tax, both spoke against the tax. One serious issue raised by Taylor was the impact of the tax on the annual pottery festival. Apparently all the exhibitors would have to complete the tax forms and pay for the privilege of selling in Sanford.

It was noted that the City of Sanford has a $12,000,000 fund balance. Both Taylor and Stone questioned why it was necessary to add a tax to bring in less than $250,000 when the city had that large reserve.

Taylor said the council could "change its mind and repeal the tax." He noted that the council had voted 6-1 to stop broadcasting the Law and Finance Committee meetings prior to the election, but had reversed itself after the election and voted 6-1 to resume the TV broadcasts. "We could do the same thing again." he said.

The statewide group Americans for Prosperity paid for an ad in today's Herald. Signs similar to the ad had been placed on street corners in the area near the municipal building where the hearing was to be held. The group will sponsor a rally in support of the repeal of the business tax, Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 5:30 pm, outside the Sanford Municipal Building. Afterwards, the organizers hope those at the rally will attend and speak at the council meeting.

Read more about this issue at Bill Horner's blog.

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