Friday, April 11, 2008

Williams Using New Media in Campaign

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPSchool Board Candidate Sending Audio Message With E-mail

It was a first for a local candidate in my in-box. School board candidate Shawn E. Williams sent me an email from "Shawn." Attached to it was a well produced audio commercial for his campaign for election to the Lee County School Board. Email mailing lists are frequently used in campaigns to keep supporters informed, but this is the first media to arrive from a local candidate. The email asks that it be forwarded to friends--in effect an endorsement. The 42 second commercial plays in windows media player format but is audio only. To hear the ad click the small arrow-bottom left.

The reproduction of this audio is for news value only and does not necessarily imply an endorsement. If you are aware of other local candidates with this technology, make a comment.

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