Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Love Endorsed By NCFREE

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPFREEPAC, the political action committee of NCFREE, has endorsed democrat incumbent Jimmy Love in his race for another term in the the legislature. The North Carolina Forum for Research & Economic Education (NCFREE) is a non-profit, non-partisan political research business association. NCFREE provides business leaders with the information they need to make informed decisions from a business perspective. In short, NCFREE handicaps races for the legislature, and has a record of accuracy of >95% in its legislative forecasts since the 1980's. Only candidates who are perceived to be electable , based upon district analysis, are endorsed.

NCFREE's analysis does indicate that District 51 is a swing district capable of electing of a Republican based on turn out. Current County Commissioner Linda Shook is challenging Love for the District 51 and is considered a "strong candidate."

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