Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sheriff Makes "Best of Lee County"

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
Carter wins again, and again.

For the fifth year in a row--and his second time as sheriff-Tracy Carter was recognized as the best law enforcement officer in Lee County by readers of the Sanford Herald. As noted by the the Herald "Tracy Carter has done some great things in his first year as sheriff." (To see a list of his accomplishments click here.)

But Sheriff Carter first won the award in 2004 while serving as chief of the school special police, so the public recognition of his leadership predates all his accomplishments in his first year.

The Sheriff is most active public officials in the county and has a web site with numerous resources as well as a blog newsletter. (To go to his website click here.) Follow links and you will find a wealth of information to make you and your community safer.

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